WARNING this will sound a little like a RANT!
So, the fat cats, big wigs and coupon clippers, that do not actually make a real product, get HUNDREDS of BILLIONS in a bailout, but an industry that actually makes a real, tangible product are told to go 'pound sand'. FYI, the auto industry was only asking for a fraction of the hundreds of BILLIONS given to the fat cats, big wigs and coupon clippers. Is it right? Last week I lisened to a Senator from Oklahoma argue the two situations are so fundamentally different that the two different outcomes and solutions were appropriate. But, IMO, the more this Senator explained the more it sounded like a big, stinking, pile of crap!
Concrete examples, Bank of America who took some of the bailout fund (AKA, TARP) is paying its shareholders a big sizable dividend, but BoA would not extend a line of credit to a medium sized business in Chicago in order for that business to stay open. Fair? Appropriate, after being the recepient of a very large tax payer provided largess? Well not so much. The former CEO of Merrill, Lynch says very publically he's still entitled to his bonus; excuse me, this guy did such a horrible job of running Merrill that BoA was able to buy them, using some of their portion of the TARP, at a bargain price, depleting Merill's shareholders value, and he still wants more than a pat on the back and an 'ATTA boy', and he does not deserve those.
And yes the auto maker's CEOs don't get it any better, coming to Washington on their individual private jets. However, the CEO of Chrysler said at the Congressional hearing that he would reduce his salary to $1 per year if it would make a difference, and the former CEO of Merrill says he's entitled to his multimillion bonus. Give us all a break.
_________________ Allan Rosewarne Tara's Wizard
W/T are forever