We, and the Letharii kingdom, reach the end...
The Crimson Guard Avowed, true badass, with the help of the sex slave of the three women, and the help of Silchas Ruin, the Azath champion, defeat the five Toblakai gods. It is a very hard and very badass battle.
Mayen has broken free from her keepers, and runs through the streets, eventually killing herself with a knife. Tehol sees the young woman with a knife sticking out of her, and tries to help her. But the Edur think he has tried to kill her, and beat him nearly to death. Bugg senses what is going on, and comes unglued and kills all of the Edur in that particular group. Bugg's scream of fury can be heard around the world...
Hull is assassinated not by the Letharii he betrayed, but by suvivors of one of the races Lethar committed genocide against. They say that Hull should have been more forgiving towards his own people...
The Wyval takes Udinaas to the Azath to help Silchas Ruin...
The Ceda and the Warlock King have a massive mage battle. The Ceda is winning, and Trull Senagr kills him with a spear.
Then on to the throne room. The King and Firts Eunuch share some wine, as the Warlock King shows off the ruined but still living bodies of the Queen and the Prince.
Byrs gives a demonstration of swordsmanship, as he cripples Rhulad by uttign all of his major tendons, in such a way that he cannot bleed to death. Rhulad begs for death, as his brothers look on and the Warlock King makes a sudden try for the throne. Byrs drinks wine and watches the Edur confusion, as Rhulad is crippled and cannto rule and cannot die. but the wine is poisoned, and it kills Byrs just as it killed the King and First Eunuch. the King had not trusted hsi champion, and now he and his Champion are needlessly dead.
Rhulad keeps begging for death, but no one is willing to kill him.
And even the Edur are grieving for Brys.
The Guardian of the forgotten gods - whom Byrs had defeated then helped - arrives, also in grief for Brys. he carried off Brys' body, and kills Rhulad out of misplaced mercy.
Rhulad comes back to life and takes the throne.
Bugg has taken the nearly dead Tehol away to a safe place, given him a replacement eye, and healed him. It turns out that Bugg is Mael, ancient god of the ocean. The Guardian comes to him, bringing to body of Brys. The Guardian wishes Brys to be a Gaurdian with him. Mael grants that.
Fear and Trull, unable to deal with the monster their brother has become, flee the throne room. They seek out Seren at her home. Trull makes an impulsive marriage proposal to her, but she deflects it, perhaps without even fully realizing what it was. She agrees to take Fear, Kettle, Udinaas (now free for now of possession), and Silchas Ruin out of the city. Trull will remain behind to try to temper Rhulad's madness.
_________________ Our lives are the songs that sing the universe into existence.~David Zindell