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Ahira's Hangar • View topic - The Lecter Trilogy: Red Dragon, Silence and Hannibal

Ahira's Hangar

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 Post subject: The Lecter Trilogy: Red Dragon, Silence and Hannibal
PostPosted: Mon Oct 14, 2002 11:51 pm 
Master Pilot

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The Red Dragon is doing very well at the boxoffice right now, I haven't seen it yet, but it would probably go very well with a nice chianti! I did enjoy Silence of the Lambs very much but had to stop half way through Hannibal--just too gory and sick for my tastes. What are your thoughts? Have you seen The Red Dragon yet? Was I missing something by not finishing Hannibal? Did you like Silence as much as I did? Or not? The true human being is the meaning of the universe. He is a dancing star. He is the exploding singularity with infinite possibilities. <i>Edited by: danlo60 at: 10/14/02 8:44:27 pm

 Post subject: Re: The Lecter Trilogy: Red Dragon, Silence and Hannibal
PostPosted: Tue Oct 15, 2002 3:37 am 
Master Pilot
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I greatly enjoyed Silence o' the Lambs (book & movie) Haven't seen Red Dragon yet but want to! Loved the book and liked the movie made in the 80's based on it.(Manhunter) I read Hannibal (sucked) saw Hannibal (SUCKED) IMHO

 Post subject: Re: The Lecter Trilogy: Red Dragon, Silence and Hannibal
PostPosted: Tue Oct 15, 2002 3:48 am 
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Well then I prob didn't miss much in Hannibal--I really couldn't stand 2 look at the millionaire's face (or what was left of it) any longer--I didn't watch the movie 4 Hannibal, per se, have MAJOR crush on Julianne Moore. She did an admirable job w/the the material she had 2 work w/but it just wasn't the same w/o Jodie (who was GREAT in Panic Room--just watched that!). And meeting up w/Hannibal so fast took alot of the mystery o/o it 4 me. The true human being is the meaning of the universe. He is a dancing star. He is the exploding singularity with infinite possibilities. <i>Edited by: danlo60 at: 10/15/02 4:59:10 pm

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 2:38 am 
Lady Scryer
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I just noticed this topic. :)

I love the books Red Dragon and Silence of the Lambs, though both were a bit gory for my tastes.

Hannibal Lector is one frightening dude~ :o :o :o :o :o

Never saw the movies based on them, as I was afraid they would be waaaaay to gory for me.

Have not read or seen Hannibal ~ I heard both stank.

Isn't there a new book in this series out as well? :? Seems to me I saw it somewhere... :?

Our lives are the songs that sing the universe into existence.~David Zindell

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:24 am 
The UnTitled
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I didn't have a problem with Hannibal, the book at least. Or not much. Gets a bit weird and all, but thats about the worst of it. We certainly get to see more of Lecter than ever before.


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:58 pm 
The Timekeeper
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I did, eventually finish Hannibal (the movie) and enjoyed the ending (Julianne not only totally hot but a very good job on the whole)--the execution in Italy (Venice? was it?) was particually gruesome...

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PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 7:36 am 
The UnTitled
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Book was way better. :lol:


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PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 9:16 pm 
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 5:52 am 
The UnTitled
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Hopkins is really excellent. Always a great actor.


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