I have a Dell 8200 Dimension desktop (my sis who works at Dell got me the employee discount, which enabled me to buy the thing). I have the biggest hard drive and the most RAM that Dell will give (can't remember the exact numbers). I have an Epsom color printer and scanner, a Kodak digital camera and cradle, a stereo system, a drive that plays DVD's, and a weird little gizmo called Dazzle I haven't figured out how to use yet, but supposedly I can plug my camcorder into it, use the Dazzle to professionally edit my home videos, and then record the finished product onto CD's. I have a dial up modem, AOL is my ISP, and I also use webshots as my screen saver. I have AIM and MSN messenger and Yahoo messenger, all of which seem to be working right now, but I can't get Trillion to work right...I put all of my IM handles in the Rose Womb Cloisters, if any of my fellow mods need them. If I have one complaint about my system is that I need more plugs in the back for my peripherals. the scanner and the cradle for the camera have to share a plug, so I haven't used the scanner yet! I don't know what'll happen to my pics if I unplug the camera/cradle! Does anyone know if there is some soer of thingee out there that you plug into your computer's plug and then can plug multiple things into it?? Our lives are the songs that sing the universe into existence.~David Zindell<i>Edited by: Duchess of Malfi at: 3/19/03 7:48:11 pm </i>