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Ahira's Hangar • View topic - what science fiction are you reading right now?

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David Zindell's Neverness, A Requiem for Homo Sapiens and all things Science Fiction and Fantasy
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 Post subject: Re: what science fiction are you reading right now?
PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 4:47 am 
Lady Scryer
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I am continuing in my Anne McCaffrey tribute reread. So far I have read the three Crystal Singer books and have read four Pern books (Dragonflight, Dragonquest, Dragonsong, and Dragonsinger) and in the middle of a fifth (Dragondrums).

When I think about how many years ago she wrote some of these books (such as the upcoming Ship Who Sang)) or of the genetic engineering of the dragons of Pern - the woman was decades ahead of her time in her ideas!

Our lives are the songs that sing the universe into existence.~David Zindell

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 Post subject: Re: what science fiction are you reading right now?
PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 6:32 pm 
Lady Scryer
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I have finished Dragondrums and The White Dragon and am now finishing up the Tower and the Hive series. I had recently reread the first two books before the author's death, so am now rereading Damia's Children, Lyon's Pride, and The Tower and the Hive.

Will probably read a bit more Pern - probably Moreta and Nerilka. Maybe the Masterharper. Thing is, there are so many books in that series I am having problems remembering which are the better ones of the later ones...hopefully Menolly will pop in here and advise. :) :lol:

Our lives are the songs that sing the universe into existence.~David Zindell

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 Post subject: Re: what science fiction are you reading right now?
PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:40 am 
"It is not death. It is purpose."
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Anything before Todd, IMO.

However, you can't really argue with dlb's POV. Something along the lines of:
"None of the books are worth reading after All the Weyr's."

But, even with the debacle Todd makes of the series, I like the setting too much to not read anything Pern.
Even Todd's stuff.

Pam Image

The world gets new-made every time you blink folks. Drop some of that baggage. ;)

When the Power of Love overcomes the love of power, the World will know Peace. ~Jimi Hendrix


 Post subject: Re: what science fiction are you reading right now?
PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 6:26 am 
Lady Scryer
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I have reread many of the Pern books now - am skipping any and all by Todd. :lol: :lol: :lol:

The problem is I can only find some of the books, the others are somewhere here in my house, but not sure where. :roll: (If I ever win the lottery one of the first things I do will be hiring someone to sort out my books. :wink: :lol: ).

So for the Pern books I have so far reread:
Dragon Song
Dragon Singer
The White Dragon
Dragon Drums
Renegades of Pern
All the Weys of Pern

and am in the middle of
The Dolphins of Pern.

(Man, Aramina is the most irritating character McCaffrey ever created. No wonder I never reread Renegades or Dolphins before. :lol: :lol: :lol: )

I have also found:
Nerilka's Story
Rescue Run
Masterharper of Pern

And Nerilka must be read with the still MIA Moreta, Rescue Run must be read with MIA Dragon'sDawn, etc. etc.

I will keep looking. In the meantime, I have read the three Crystal Singer books, the five Tower and the Hive books, and the two Brain Ship books which I like best (The Ship Who Sang and The Ship Who Searched. If I can find them in my messy multitude of bookshelves, I also want to reread the first Acorna book (like the first better than the others in that series) and the three Petaybe books. :)

Our lives are the songs that sing the universe into existence.~David Zindell

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 Post subject: Re: what science fiction are you reading right now?
PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 2:02 am 
Blood Tea Chugger
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Just starting Foundation and Empire, by Asimov. Liked Foundation, but didn't love it. I didn't realize it was basically a collection of short stories. Had I known that, I probably would've passed on it.

Danlo felt the growling emptiness of his belly and the terrible screaming hunger of every cell of his body. He remembered a word, then, waashkelay, which meant simply "meat hunger." He realized that on some deep level, the grains and pulses and other vegetable foods that he had eaten for so many years had never truly satisfied him. Always, buried in the tissues of his heart and belly, there had burned a deep desire to consume the meat of another animal and to taste the marvelous tang of blood once more. War in Heaven, p. 387.

 Post subject: Re: what science fiction are you reading right now?
PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 10:03 pm 
Lady Scryer
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Probability Moon, first book in a trilogy by Nancy Kress.

Our lives are the songs that sing the universe into existence.~David Zindell

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 Post subject: Re: what science fiction are you reading right now?
PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 12:14 pm 
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Been book less for over a month now ,getting book withdrawal :cry:

 Post subject: Re: what science fiction are you reading right now?
PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 4:08 am 
Lady Scryer
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Our lives are the songs that sing the universe into existence.~David Zindell

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 Post subject: Re: what science fiction are you reading right now?
PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 4:54 am 
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I kept seeing many of my FB friends raving about The Hunger Games and when I saw the movie was coming out, decided to grab the trilogy. I'm just starting book 3 and am highly enjoying it. Reminds me of watching and reading the Tripods Trilogy.

~~Some may sink but we will float. Grab your coat. Let's get out of here. I'm your witness, you're my Mutineer~~ Warren Zevon

 Post subject: Re: what science fiction are you reading right now?
PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 5:14 pm 
Lady Scryer
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Our lives are the songs that sing the universe into existence.~David Zindell

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 Post subject: Re: what science fiction are you reading right now?
PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 5:36 pm 
Lady Scryer
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Embasseytown by China Mieville. Very good so far. :)

Our lives are the songs that sing the universe into existence.~David Zindell

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 Post subject: Re: what science fiction are you reading right now?
PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 7:31 pm 
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Dust of Dreams by Erikson

 Post subject: Re: what science fiction are you reading right now?
PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:26 am 
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I finished reading Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey last weekend. Wow, what an interesting story!

 Post subject: Re: what science fiction are you reading right now?
PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 7:06 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: what science fiction are you reading right now?
PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 9:20 pm 
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It's good, you should look it up. Also available on Kindle, if you're into that.

It was nominated for a 2012 Hugo award.

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