Excellent post earlier, taras! Thanks for your input. Yeah, I saw an online how-to video on coffee buying that warned (cheekily) of the inferiority of robusta beans vs. arabica. I'd like to try iced coffee at home. Iced cappucino is another. I love Tim Horton's version; it's an awesome summer treat.
My parents weren't coffee drinkers - I imagine that in China, tea was more their thing. I came around to coffee fairly recently, some time between the late '80s and early '90s. Before then, the closest I came were those "International House" or whatever coffee beverages. Don't recall exactly when and where I had my first ever cup of coffee, but it was most likely at Second Cup. It was good that I got introduced to coffee as properly brewed by professionals, or
barristas as the lingo goes.
I believe my first try at making coffee was with the instant stuff. Ugh. Never again. It was more like instant crap.
I voted coffee all the way in the poll, if we're talking purely about the caffeine rush. But I certainly enjoy tea, hot or iced. And who doesn't like chocolate? But I don't eat it for the caffeine content...I love chocolate cuz it's CHOCOLATE.
Soda is more a junk calorie drink that I really should cut out of my diet, but I'm afraid I sold my soul to sugar long before I met coffee. Diet soda just doesn't do it for me. No offense to diet drink aficionados, but I personally can't stand the stuff. To me, that aspartame taste is possibly the only thing worse than instant coffee!
Kona is a light roast, you say? I might look around for it. I assume I don't actually need to go to Hawaii to get it...but it's cool that you got it direct from the source.