- The Bible speaks of a great flood. There are legends of a great flood in more than 500 cultures around the world. Here’s a webpage I got in a simple search from Google on that subject:
www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/....asp?ID=62 - There are the other evidences which I related to on the other forum, the size & distance of the moon, the exacting temperature because of the size & distance of the sun, the fact that people do not say Confucius Dammit or Muhammad! as power words of cursing.
- You can examine the other religions and see that none of them have a living savior, they’re all dead. But Jesus defeated death & lives.
- I’m sure you’ve heard of Adam & Eve. It makes sense that God created them as adults, probably on levels of genius that would shame Einstein, and yet they still fell from grace. Never mind that, the proof that they were created lay in the fact that we don’t make much sense to have evolved from apes in the first place. Apes are strong creatures, adept at living in the wilderness, family-oriented, intelligent, and masters of survival. For an ape to become less strong, less resistant to the elements by losing their fur, to become a creature that would make war on its own, to build atomic bombs, to rape and meditate on murderous plans, to be selfish & not know their own neighbors, this makes no sense. Also, among all the primates, humans have the largest penises and women do not go into heat. Sex is not just for reproduction for us. Among all the creatures of the world, it is also for pleasure and bonding a man and wife in marriage.
- Take a look at good & evil. What other creature kills its own species for pleasure? What other animal lies? What other creature has far more than it will ever need? How is it that evolution would allow for human beings which have the capacity to destroy all life with its nuclear weapons to ever exist at all? How is it that the dolphins & other sea creatures of high intelligence have not dominated their territories, while we dominate everything on the land?
Those are some things which I think of as proofs. It makes no sense for a creature to lie, cheat, or steal. An evolutionary benefit isn’t there for such selfishness. If the moon was not in orbit, then the tidal forces would not pull life around so extraordinarily well. Without a moon as large as our moon, the corals, planktons, fish, turtles, and all kinds of creatures would not benefit from the tides. I seem to recall something about the moon’s size that causes the earth to wobble on its axis, permitting more of the earth to be usable for life instead of 12 months of winter every year in the north & south and summer only along the lands along the equator. Uranus is on its edge, so that its north pole faces the sun, a great waste of most of its surface. I consider that other planets have such extremely inhospitable atmospheres; terrains of ice, molten rock, and liquid or gases. The winds of Jupiter are hundreds of miles per hour. Mars has dust storms which cover the entire planet. The temperature of Neptune is almost absolute zero. Mercury is 900 degrees during the day and -300 at night. But everything on earth is nearly perfect for life. The amount of water, the evaporation processes, the size & distance of the sun & moon, the axis, the rotation speed, the percentages of elements in the atmosphere, the stability of the crust, the stability of the weather, the magnetic field, the ozone layer, the way in which the food chain works so that bees help plants, plants help animals, so on and so forth, so that everything depends on everything, fish to plankton to bears to ants to peas to single-celled organisms. One thing out of place, the moon not being there would drastically change the perfection of the world. Another million miles closer or further from the sun and we would have temperatures of 130 degrees in the summer for the lower United States. The same with the exact size of the sun: change it only a little & the effects are discernable. The planets only equal 0.135% of the total solar system, the sun equals all the rest. There are too many exact perfections to believe that the world is simply a design of chance. Even if it were, then you would still require hundreds of millions of protein molecules of a precise configuration to spontaneously occur on earth. It is estimated that for just one of these molecules to occur spontaneously in nature it would require roughly 10 to the 600th power billions of years. And I find that far, far more unbelievable than simply believing in a God.