i rather dislike the way chaos is portrayed in the merlin chronicles. we go from the very cool black road, to what is basicly a court of people (who seem to mostly look amberish enough that you wonder why their dara breeding program was necesary) with a power that should have let them get to amber and cause trouble all by themselves a long time ago. and theres a lot more of em too.
amber, with its small population of bickering infighting champions, should be easy prey for the lords of chaos. how did they go from dying quickly off the black road, to wanding castle amber without a care? admitadly, the only ones we get a lot of detail about are desended from benedict.... excpet for jasra, dara's handmaid, who moved to the golden circle, became queen, and married(?) brand.
but as it stands, i like mandor. he has some good powers, and hes as manipulative as an amberite. plus, he has balls <i></i>