I doubt anyone really knows this yet, though duchess may have an inkling, I am going though a severe mid-life crisis, but in a good way. After turning 50 I've decided to persue my own true goals. I've gotten to the point where I'm sick and tired of having other people squeeze the life blood out of me to get their quotas and forcing me to carry out their ridiculous petty rules. So I've decided I'll squeeze my own lifeblood, thank you very much. I'm going to try to find a way--no, I WILL find a way to attain three primary goals: become a published author, run a Sci Fi/Fantasy bookstore and become an associate professor--probably of creative writing/Sci Fi Fantasy pop culture...somewhere along those lines.
To help me in this endevour I not only need your feedback, but I'm going to talk to Luci about expanding Bardo's Collections to include writers workshop threads. I know a lot of literary forums include such a forum and they can tend to look a bit pretentious---that's why I want to start some threads, instead of creating a full blown forum. If it sounds self-indulgent it is-if anyone has an inkling to write or is a writer or just wants to contribute perhaps it can grow into a bigger thing. Not all the threads have to deal with grammar and semantics, in fact my idea for the first thread could be alot of fun for everyone.
The first thread I plan on putting up has to do with 'world-crafting' and I plan to base the intial debate on a discussion of David Zindell and Dan Simmons' amazing future universes. Why? Because, to an aspiring writer they are incredibly daunting, sorta like my 'pop-gun' vs their abombs, so to speak. The more I read Simmons the more I see common lines of thinking between him and Zindell, however it appears that Simmons eclipses him by the sheer amount of research he puts into his work, which is not a necessarily bad thing on either author's part-just a different approach--so yes we could have some fun discussions along these lines...Another question on research might be 'can a book be 'over-researched' or if you are planning to do extensive research must you devote 10 years of your life to it ala Susanna Clarke?
So see you don't have to be a writer to enjoy some of the new, proposed, threads there. And it's won't be limited to Sci Fi-in fact the first thing I'm going to attempt to write is a semi-insane fantasy with a world already partly envisioned in my head. So feel free to discuss daunting Fantasy writers as well such as Donaldson and his Land or Martin and Westeros.
Or any author in any gerne who's style you feel is worth exploring-for instance Simmons tend to revere Flaubert (sp) so I may start reading Madame Bovary for the first time to see what's up with that.( )
Your thoughts? ***** Before, you are wise; after, you are wise. In between you are otherwise. Fravashi saying (from the formularies of Osho the Fool) <i>Edited by: danlo60 at: 9/15/06 10:12 am </i>