Venision (or Pork) Sausage Casserole
submitted by: Stonemaybe
pack of venison (or pork) sausages
3 red onions, chunkily sliced
half bottle red wine
6 big chestnut mushrooms
tin of tomatoes
brown the sausages and onions over a high heat and throw them into a casserole dish. Add other ingredients , plus seasoning, a few chilli flakes, garlic and thyme and fire in the oven at about 180C for 30-40minues. It should have reduced to a nice casserole consistency - if not, a little cornflour will do the trick. Serve with rice.
Couldn't get venison sausages so I used 8 chunky high quality pork ones, I added a chopped chilli to the frying pan, and included some baby onions left over from last recipe, and I had to reduce....ahem,fiercely..... after I took out of oven as well as the flour. Enough for 3, or 2 very hungry!
This was deeelishshsshshhshshhous!
_________________ Pam
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