Beef Manhattans
submitted by: Chassit
Roast beef chuck (or, beef chuck for roasting)
Beef bullion
Garlic powder/salt, salt, pepper, onion powder (or onions, finely chopped), butter, wheat bread, a veggie side (like peas or corn)
Mashed potatoes
Coffee, ready to drink
Put the roast in a crock pot or slow-cooker first thing in the morning, like 8:00 a.m. Coat with garlic powder on all sides, place back in pot. Pour in one to two cups of ready-to-drink coffee (I use Starbucks Breakfast Blend, but use your favorite unsweetened coffee). Add 3 or 4 bullion cubes and sprinkle in onion powder (if finely chopped onions, wait a few hours on that).
Cook all day, turning roast over halfway through. Roast will be done when it's tender all the way through, at about 5 or 6 p.m.
Take out roast and place on dish, cover. Pour drippings into a small pan, place on stove and spoon off excess grease (it will float to the top). Mix a couple of spoonfuls of ARGO cornstarch in a bowl with water. It will be hard to mix at first, but will get easier. Should be the consistency of milk. Slowly heat broth while stirring in cornstarch mixture. Keep stirring until gravy thickens.
Slice roast and make a sandwich. Cut sandwich catte-corner (sp) and open a space between the two halves. In the space, add mashed potatoes (buttered, salted & peppered to taste). Spoon gravy over sandwich and potatoes.
_________________ Pam
The world gets new-made every time you blink folks. Drop some of that baggage. ~Avatar
When the Power of Love overcomes the love of power, the World will know Peace. ~Jimi Hendrix