Special Cheesey Toast
submitted by: Stonemaybe
Bread - covered with branston pickle (uk-only?), then sliced cheddar cheese, then on top of cheese - capers, olives, garlic, cherry tomatoes, jalepeno peppers, worcestershire sauce. Then under the grill.
notes: The thing is, if you've done the toppings right, the bite that someone else takes might have the only olive on that bit! It's holistic cheese-on-toast, all or nothing, and my girlfriend has learned that I will share anything, but if she wants some cheesey toast, she asks me to make her a whole one to herself!
_________________ Pam
The world gets new-made every time you blink folks. Drop some of that baggage. ~Avatar
When the Power of Love overcomes the love of power, the World will know Peace. ~Jimi Hendrix