Daddy's Homemade Grilling Sauce
1 can unsweetened pineapple juice
1/4 cup vegetable oil (I use extra light olive oil)
various dried herbs and spices - I use dehydrated onion, granulated garlic, cracked black pepper, and paprika - to taste
Sugar or Splenda, to taste
I make up a batch, cover, and allow to sit at room temperature overnight. The next morning I pour it over the meat and refrigerate at least eight hours.
At the same time, I make up a second batch, cover, and allow to sit at room temperature. When I grill, I discard the one used to marinate the meat, stir the new one, and use it as a mopping sauce.
_________________ Pam
The world gets new-made every time you blink folks. Drop some of that baggage. ~Avatar
When the Power of Love overcomes the love of power, the World will know Peace. ~Jimi Hendrix