This forum is devoted to Howard Phillips Lovecraft and any other writer of the macabre you care to talk about: Stephen King, Dean Knootz, Oliver Onions, Anne Rice, etc...I was first introduced to H.P. in 1971 when I saw Lin Carter on the Joe Franklin Show, in NYC. He had just become editor of Ballentine Books Adult Fantasy series. He was promoting The Dreamquest of the Unknown Kadath as well as similar graduates of Miskatonic University and Arkham House: August Dereleth, Clarke Aston Smith, Clifford D. Simak, William Hope Hogsdon, L. Sprauge deCamp and their mentors; E.R. Edison, William Morris and Lord Dunsany--he was, also, very proud of a young writer named Robert Anton Wilson who he touted as H.P.'s hier-apparent. Of course many of you now know him as the author of such classics as the Illuminatus! trilogy and Schroedinger's Cat. Yes, L.Sprague deCamp and Lin Carter are also the guys who mopped up the Conan series--but Carter's really not that bad a Sci-Fi writter and deCamp wrote probably the best biography ever of H.P. Lovercraft! Dreamquest is one of the most delightfully creepiest books I've ever read! Talk about Poe too, if you dare! I'll probably need a moderator for this page asap as I'll probably be too scared to creep down in this sub-subterrainian cavern below Pickman's grave! So have fun, let the monsters loose! Fall Far and Well Pilots!<i>Edited by: danlo60 at: 11/14/06 11:13 pm