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David Zindell's Neverness, A Requiem for Homo Sapiens and all things Science Fiction and Fantasy
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 Post subject: Dates From Hell Anthology
PostPosted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 5:18 am 
Lady Scryer
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What girl hasn't had a really bad date or a really poor relationship in her time? Who hasn't wondered at some point in time if her date has wandered into this world from some weird dimension of hell?

Well, this anthology features true dates from hell - vampires, werewolves, mad scientists, and demons!

It includes novellas from Kim Harrison, Lynsay Sands, Kelley Armstrong, and Lori Handeland.

The tale by Kim Harrrison is a prequel of sorts to her novel Dead Witch Walking which features the character of Ivy Tamwood, a living vampire. She was exposed to the vampire virus in the womb, but will not be a true vampire until she dies. In the meantime, she is stronger than a human but not as strong as a vampire, can endure sunlight, and craves blood though she does not have to drink it in order to exist. In this story she is trying to straighten out her intertwined lusts and longings for love, blood, and sex. She is also having to try to get ahead in her job without having to sleep wih her loathsome boss. This story, while very dark, does help you understand the Ivy we meet later in the novels.

The novella by Lynsay Sands was a funny romantic story involving scientists and what was truly a double date from hell for one of the participants. I can't get more into it than that or I will give away too many spoilers. This story gave me lots of giggles. She has written a sereis of vampire novels called The Argeneau Vampire Series.

The novella by Kelly Armstrong was about a halfbreed demon trying to catch a jewel thief who happens to be a werewolf when he breaks into a museum. the story was filled with surprises and twists, and I will be keeping my eye open for more from this author. She has written a series of novels called Women of the Otherworld.

Last but not least came Dead man Dating by Lori Handeland. A New York woman is being hunted by a demon who wears dead bodies. She develops an interesting relationship with the demon hunter. This one was also fun. Cool bookworm heroine. ******************************************************

Our lives are the songs that sing the universe into existence.~David Zindell

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