I can recommend The Shadow of the Vampire, starring John Malkovich. I saw it two nights ago and it was excellent. It's about the filming of Nosferatu, but The Shadow of the Vampire is itself a horror movie. If you'd like to spend an interesting even and don't mind silent movies, find copies of both Nosferatu and The Shadow of the Vampire, and watch them together.
Beyond that, I can't recommend any other recent horror movies, although The Ring had its good points, although they tried to milk too much from the ending and the whole of the story ended up being marred by a too-convoluted reasoning. At least, that's the impression that the movie left with me.
However, if you'd like something new to watch, I can mention some older movies that I like.
In no particular order:
The Last Man on Earth is a surprisingly good adaptation of Richard Matheson's I Am Legend for a movie so rarely mentioned. It stars Vincent Price and is the best movie I've seen him in. The campy Roger Corman movies he did are all right, if you're up for that, but this is something a shade more serious.
I just remembered From Hell. That was a terrific movie. I admit that in some roles Johnny Depp may be an acquired taste. But From Hell is very good, despite telling a significantly different story from the Moore & Campbell graphic novel.
Sometimes horror fans miss seeing dark suspense movies that they would probably enjoy. Again, in no particular order, I can recommend Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? (w/ Bettie Davis) and Magic. Magic started as a novel by William Goldman (author and screen writer of Marathon Man, as well as screenwriter for Misery) and was adapted by him into the movie starring Anthony Hopkins, Burgess Meredith(Rocky's manager, remember?) and Ann Margaret.
Oscar Wilde's Picture of Dorian Gray was turned into a good movie; the 1945 version, that is; I don't know anything about the '74 version. You'll want the one in black and white.
My mind's going a bit blank now. I hope these suggestions are helpful.
*** I only looked at the top 10 horror thread after reading this one, danlo60. But I see now that you've mentioned Shadow and Nosferatu over there. I'll read the rest of that thread and see if I can add something more.
<i>Edited by: ineldorado at: 6/21/03 10:01 pm </i>