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 Post subject: Recorded Horror (audio/radio)
PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2003 6:00 am 

Joined: Sun Jun 22, 2003 4:56 am
Posts: 7
Again, not finding this topic, I felt obsessively driven to add it.

I've had a lot of enjoyment from horror recordings, from Peter Lorre's old radio show Mystery in the Air ("...culled from the four corners of World Lit-ter-ah-choor!") to Lights Out and Suspense (also radio) to many different recordings and adaptations of Poe, etc.

I have a favorite record, a 2-album set, called "Tales of Terror". It's narrated by Nelson Olmsted (no reason you should know who he is, although I looked around and found that he did quite a bit of work at one time reading stories on the radio) and features several specimens of artwork by Harry Clarke(a terrific illustrator who also did stained glass work; do a google search. . The inside of the album (the foldout) features an excerpt from Lovecraft's "Supernatural Horror in Literature". One whole record is taken up with stories by Poe. The other record includes, among others, Dickens's "The Signal-man", Stevenson's "The Body-Snatcher's" and "Markheim", and Bierce's "An Occurance at Owl-Creek Bridge".

I'm also partial to a particular recording of Poe's stories that includes the accompaniment of acoustic guitar effects. I don't have a copy of it in front of me, but I'll look for it and try to get the name of the reader. It includes the best version of "The Pit and the Pendulum" that I've ever heard.

Also, the Books on Tape recording of The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym is excellent. I don't remember the name of the reader.

Anyone interested in some good readings for free, and doesn't mind 28kbps mpgs, can go to www.audiobooksforfree.com. If you search around, you can find quite a few stories by Poe as well as Rats in the Walls by Lovecraft.


 Post subject: Re: Recorded Horror (audio/radio)
PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2003 2:10 pm 
Master Pilot

Joined: Thu Mar 28, 2002 2:23 am
Posts: 3363
Very cool resources ineldorado! Welcome 2 Ahira's Hangar, btw! I have listened to some Lights Out, def scary stuff. Mayb u can help me with the title of one Ambrose Bierce story (I can't remember right now if it is Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge or not), anyway it's about the Civil War soldier who has most of a small house caved in on him and his legs are trapped under the rubble. Somehow his loaded gun ends up pointed directly at his face, and if he moves he'll kill himself. Any ideas? And now Danlo looked in that direction, too. He remembered that snowy owls mate in the darkest part of deep winter, and so along with this beautiful white bird perched in a tree a hundred feet away, he turned to face the sea as he watched and waited.

Ahira, Ahira, he called out silently to the sky. Ahira, Ahira<i></i>

 Post subject: Re: Recorded Horror (audio/radio)
PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2003 4:11 pm 

Joined: Sun Jun 22, 2003 4:56 am
Posts: 7
I flipped through my copy of Civil War Stories and found it, although I haven't read it before. I'll read it today. It's called "One of the Missing". Here's a link to it: www.blackmask.com/books51...issdex.htm


 Post subject: Re: Recorded Horror (audio/radio)
PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2003 4:18 pm 
Master Pilot

Joined: Thu Mar 28, 2002 2:23 am
Posts: 3363
Thanks! Definately an intense and freaked out story! And now Danlo looked in that direction, too. He remembered that snowy owls mate in the darkest part of deep winter, and so along with this beautiful white bird perched in a tree a hundred feet away, he turned to face the sea as he watched and waited.

Ahira, Ahira, he called out silently to the sky. Ahira, Ahira<i></i>

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