Dedication:This website is dedicated to David Zindell who has blessed us with four incredible novels: Neverness, The Broken God, The Wild and War in Heaven. This is not an official Zindell website and no administrator or moderator is connected to Mr. Zindell in any way.
This forum is dedicated to discussions about the above stated books--you are welcome to start a topic on DZ's fantasy books as well, The Lightstone just came out and it begins a trilogy (?, maybe more...) called The Ea Cycle.
About Neverness: How can I begin to describe Neverness without giving it away? Kinda obvious I'm in love with the books... I quess I could say that in all my Sci Fi reading history (and I have probably read over 2000, at least) I've never encountered anything quite like it. I absolutely love Sci Fi that makes you think and probably no book, or series of books, in the genre has made me think about the essence of humanity, the promise of mankind and the beauty of life more than these books have. In fact in any form of literature I have ever read I don't think any book(s) has altogether blown me away more than Neverness (and the trilogy that follows) has.
Zindell is a Master universe crafter and he takes you SO far out in the future it's almost unbearable; the cold of planet Icefall and space seep into your bones, and the multitude of philosophic discussions, the poetry, technological evolution, coexistence with aliens, mathematics, music, art, explorations, science, politics and human relations literally take your breath away. It's sorta like integrating Dune with Foundation and throwing in bits of David Brin and a dash of Robert L. Forward and THEN taking it to the next level! Even though the character developements are outstanding, as are the fantastic descriptions of the city of Neverness and the planet Icefall, when Zindell takes you out into space, the Manifold and to the multitude of planets of the Civilized Worlds you are TOTALLY in a different dimension--it is so lonely, eerie, cold and twisted that one must cling to the main character ( be it Mallory or Danlo) as to not go insane.
Read Neverness! See where humanity has gone, they don't even read anymore and have banned the use of all weapons, take everything you have ever read in Sci Fi and either congeal it all together or throw it out the window--you will never read anything else like it--it will challenge EVERYTHING you believe and make your beliefs that much clearer, in the end! (even folks who don't get into the math and techincal stuff will easily comprehend it and will appreciate how gently Zindell sweeps you in and out of it with a loving hand)*** Please alert those reading, or those who haven't yet real Zindell with spoiler alerts whenever appropriate!
If you find the glossary to be inadequate that may be because I am trying to list some terms in a way that folks new to Zindell can understand without spoiling...
Glossary:The Academy:The Order's home: contains schools and colleges for Pilots, Cetics, Cantors, Scryers, Eschatologists, Horologes, etc...(118+ disciplines)
The Alalio: carked neandrathals living far to the west of Neverness
Ahimsa: doctrine of never killing or harming another living
thing, even in one's thoughts
Ahira: Danlo's doeffel: The snowy owl
Architects of Ede: a strange/popular, intergalactic religion
Bardo: Pesheval Lal, Mallory's best friend
Borja: Journeyman prepartory school
Cardinal Virtue: The Sonderval's Lightship
Carking: bio-engineering
Danlo: main character of last three books
Danladi Wave: Manifold phenomenon
Descision Tree: Manifold phenomenon
Devaki: an Alalio tribe
Facing: Master Pilot's term: to become one with your Lightship
Farsider's Quarter: redlight zone, in Neverness, where many alien immigrants live
Friends of God: a strange/popular, intergalactic religion
Friends of Man: exotic aliens who communicate through the sense of smell
Fravashi: A wise and ancient alien culture
Fenestering: the complex mathematical art Pilots use to traverse their Lightships through the multitude of space/time layers in the Manifold
Glissades & slidderies: ice-roads that intersect Neverness
Halla: Devaki word: good, wonderful
Hanuman li Tosh: Danlo's best (?) friend
Hollow Fields: Lightship launch/staging area
Heaume: a device that implants data straight into the brain
Icefall: Neverness's planet
Immanent Carnation: Mallory's Lightship
Infinite Loop: Manifold phenomenon
Infinite Tree: Manifold phenomenon
Journeyman: an apprentice Pilot
Katherine: Scryer, Mallory's (human) love interest
Leopold Soli: Lord Pilot, Mallory's uncle
Lord: highest title one can attain in his/her discipline
Moira: Mallory's mother
Mallory Ringess: main character of Neverness
the Manifold: layers of space/time where Pilots may map hyperlinks to galactic locations
Master Pilot: earned title of respect, between Lord and Pilot
Moska: a multi-layered Fravashi philosophy
Neverness: The Unreal City
Old Father: a Fravashi Master
Perilous Hall: one of Borja's dormitories
Quicktime: A kind of suspended animation state Pilots use to condense years into hours on long voyages
A Requiem for Homo Sapiens: what many Zindellites call the trilogy that follows Neverness, written by Horthy Hosthoth
Resa: Pilot's College
Scryer: a psi disciple who can see into the past & future
Shaida: Devaki word: bad, evil
Shantih: Devaki word: peace
The Silicon God: a galactic entity
Slowtime: The act of a Lightship feeding data to a Pilot at such incredible speeds that time almost ceases to exist
The Solid State Entity: a huge intelligence field in deep space
The Sonderval: a key Pilot in the stories
The Snowy Owl: Danlo's Lightship
The Sword of Shiva: Bardo's Lightship
Summerworld: Bardo's home planet
Tamara Ten-Ashtoreth: courtesan, Danlo's beloved
Thickspace: area in space around Icefall that contains a multitude of pathways to and through the Manifold
The Timekeeper: Lord Horologe & Questmaster
Torsion Space: Manifold phenomenon
Vastening: the art of integrating consciousness w/computers
The Vild: region of space that threatens Icefall
Warrior-Poets: (for fear of immanent death no explantion can be given at this time! )
Wormrunners: nasty black marketeers
zazen: a type of deep meditation state that allows Pilots to totally focus on mathematics alone
planet sampler: Icefall, Summerworld, Lechoix, Darkmoon, Urradeth, Agathange, Catava, Qallar, Simoom, Rollo's Rock, Kaarta, Fostora, New Earth, Ocher, Freeport, Wakanda, Vesper, Nwarth, Farfara, Ksandaria, Solsken, Sodervald, Parpallaix, Yarkona, Altimuth Bridge
Quote: When man took to his bed the Computer, there was great rejoicing, and great fear, too, for their children were almost like gods. The mainbrains bestrode the galaxy at will, and changed its very face. The Silicon God, The Solid State Entity, Al Squared, Enth Generation- their names are many. And there were the Carked and the Symbionts, whose daughters were the Nuerosingers, Warrior-Poets, the Nuerologicians and the Pilots of the Order of Mystic Mathematicians. So beautiful were these daughters that man longed to touch them, but touch them he could not. And so was born the Second Law of the Civilized Worlds, which was that Man could not stare too long at the faces of the Computer or her children, and still remain as Man.--from A Requiem for Homo Sapiens by Horthy Hosthoh
Fall Far and Well Pilots!<i>Edited by: danlo60 at: 5/26/06 11:57 am