Ahira's Hangar

First Amendment
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Author:  taraswizard [ Wed Mar 31, 2004 12:53 am ]
Post subject:  First Amendment

Quote:Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; (the following is going to step on some toes and challenge a few sacred cows - pun)

The preceding is the "establishment" clause of the First Amendment. Due to historical circumstances many understand this clause to be solely for the protection of the individual rights to religious practice, and it does protect the individual's rights. (BTW, the freedom of an indvidual's practice of religious observance was not novel to the Framers) However, IMO, the framers of the bill of rights knew the greater power of this clause was the protection of government from organized religious interference. Now many might discount that statementing thinking what could government possibly fear from religious interference? But, acknowledging the recent hearing of a case by the Supreme Court, regarding the US Pledge of Allegiance, IMO the power of religion to interfere in government becomes apparent. BTW, a point of historical reference, the Pledge dates from around the years of WWI; however, the phrase "under god" was only added to the pledge shortly after WWII. So the Pledge was around for about thirty years before the phrase was added. taraswizard
Allan Rosewarne N9SQT/WDX6HQV
Chicago area
W/T forever, always
Plan C - http://planc.bravepages.com/main.html<i></i>

Author:  Sylvanus [ Fri Apr 02, 2004 1:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First Amendment

And the pledge was originally a marketing strategy of a now defunct youth magazine to sell flags to schools.

I'm a pretty patriotic guy, but I think the idea of requiring a kid to recite a pledge of allegiance, regardless of the words used, is pointless if not wrong or even counterproductive. I mean, wouldn't it be strange of you made your kids recite a Pledge of Filial Responsibility every morning? Luckily, the idea of allegiance is so remote to a grade schooler that it usually becomes as meaningful as multiplication tables. ________________
I wanna feel the metamorphosis and cleansing I've endured within my shadow. Change is coming. Now is my time. Listen to my muscle memory. Contemplate what I've been clinging to. -Tool, "Forty-Six & Two" <i></i>

Author:  taraswizard [ Fri Apr 02, 2004 3:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First Amendment

If one would need more proof that grammar school students recite the pledge as an exercise in rote mimicry, one offers the following, I am sure many do so as did I until I may have been 8-10 yrs. old, I recited the word indivisible as 'invisible', since I had never heard of the first word nor had any idea what it could mean; however, the word invisible I knew. And when I was that age, regarding this topic, one word was good as another. taraswizard
Allan Rosewarne N9SQT/WDX6HQV
Chicago area
W/T forever, always
Plan C - http://planc.bravepages.com/main.html<i></i>

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