Yes, I have read Rothfuss. I thought that his book had promise and that he has a really pleasing way of putting words together. That said, I also thought that his first book was completely mediocre. BUT - most of the problems I had with the book (such as frequent repetition and long digressions that did not add to the story) are all easily attributable to poor editing rather than to the writer himself, particularly as he is a newish writer with a first novel. When the second book is published, I will certainly be reading it.
But you should also keep in mind that I have been building a gradual intolerance to huge overstuffed fantasy novels in the last few years and have started to prefer my books lean and mean and edited by ruthless sumbitches with big red pens.
It is also a potential problem that the second book in his series (which is projected to be six books) is now significantly over due, and might not be out for another year on top of the existing delay. Now, he had some very serious family problems (his mother was diagnosed with cancer and passed away and his father was also diagnosed with cancer and had to have major surgery all in the time since he completed the first book) that would slow anyone down, and the delays are perfectly understandable under the circumstances. However, I know a lot of people are upset with overdue books right now (given Martin and ADWD as an example and Scott Lynch and his delayed third Locke Lamorra book as another) so this might be an issue for some readers - especially if they are not aware of the circumstances behind the delay.