Ahira's Hangar

Looking for a Title
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Author:  Zahir al Daoud [ Sun Dec 14, 2003 5:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Looking for a Title

This will seem kinda off topic but if you'll wait a moment you'll see it isn't. Really. Honest.

At one time or another I was fiddling/planning on two space opera universes. The first was tied in directly to a pair of characters and situation that was to become a series of stories. The other was just some fun I had dreaming up a space opera background with some friends.

I've realized I want to fuse these two ideas together. Ultimately, what I hope to do is invite others to share (and flesh-out/play with/finish creating) this space opera universe for their own stories, rpgs, etc. Online publishing gives this the potential (in my mind at least) of becoming something like a scifi franchise a la STAR TREK or BABYLON 5.

Cool possibilities, eh? But I'm looking for an overall title of the world/universe like STAR WARS or FARSCAPE.

The essential time period is one thousand years from now, a time when mankind has found some way of going to the stars. A hitch is that said way involves a specific network of paths to specific systems--wormholes, existing lanes in hyperspace, something. It has turned out to be a closed loop, but one that includes literally thousands of stars. Earthlike worlds are uncommon, rare even, but several centuries of terraforming have resulted in dozens more becoming available. A few alien races are around, but they are very few, and in general so different from us there's not a lot of trade or communication. Many centuries ago, attempts at creating new breeds of human proved a disaster. Tinkering with the human genome is taboo, but several subspecies still exist culled and cross bred into a few types (a "warrior" and a "worker" for example). Very much a minority, they are also prevelant. How they're treated depends on where you go and who you ask. At least two major alliances/superpowers exist in competition with each other. The Mutual Allignment is very Apollonian, priding itself on smooth sophistication and enlightenment. The Five Sisters is a female-dominated empire that's Dionysian, dynamic and growing, prone to ritual and passion. Both superpowers are so mighty that war between them is/would be devastating beyond words.

Been wracking my brain for a name. Any suggestions? Please?

Thanks in advance!

Zahir "O let my name be in the Book of Love; if it be there I care
Not of the other great book above. Strike it out!
Or write it in anew. But let my name be in the Book of Love!"<i></i>

Author:  danlo60 [ Sun Dec 14, 2003 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for a Title

METAVERSE is a cool name--but I think that might b the title of Tony Daniel's newest book--so possibly copyright probs... *****
Before, you are wise; after, you are wise. In between you are otherwise.
Fravashi saying (from the formularies of Osho the Fool) <i></i>

Author:  Sylvanus [ Tue Dec 16, 2003 2:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for a Title

Will just more or less mirror my post at the Watch...

Silver Way, Silverpath
The Golden Mean
Fractal Stream ________________
I wanna feel the metamorphosis and cleansing I've endured within my shadow. Change is coming. Now is my time. Listen to my muscle memory. Contemplate what I've been clinging to. -Tool, "Forty-Six & Two" <i></i>

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