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Ahira's Hangar • View topic - Hyperion-Endymion: Project Glossary/Trivia

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 Post subject: Re: Hyperion-Endymion: Project Glossary/Trivia
PostPosted: Fri May 02, 2003 10:00 am 
Master Pilot

Joined: Thu Mar 28, 2002 2:23 am
Posts: 3363
Hi Shrike jr! I don't kno either but that was a fascinating post--please make many more and welcome to the Hangar! :winkgrin And now Danlo looked in that direction, too. He remembered that snowy owls mate in the darkest part of deep winter, and so along with this beautiful white bird perched in a tree a hundred feet away, he turned to face the sea as he watched and waited.

Ahira, Ahira, he called out silently to the sky. Ahira, Ahira<i>Edited by: danlo60 at: 8/3/06 11:23 am

 Post subject: Re: Hyperion-Endymion: Project Glossary/Trivia
PostPosted: Sat May 03, 2003 12:34 am 
Lady Scryer
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Oh ,yes!! Welcome!! Well meet and true!!
Thank you for that interesting post! I didn't know that there was a real world corresponding term/group to that governmental body! fascinating! Our lives are the songs that sing the universe into existence.~David Zindell
****Tavern Wench of DOGMA, the Defenders of George Martin's Art****<i>Edited by: Duchess of Malfi  at: 7/27/03 10:20 pm

 Post subject: Re: Hyperion-Endymion: Project Glossary/Trivia
PostPosted: Sat May 03, 2003 7:17 pm 
Lady Scryer
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Moving on with more Endymion terms:

Endymion -- a former major city on Hyperion; confiscated, evacuated, and restricted by the Pax, now virtually abandoned

Raul -- the centaur-hero of a poem called the Garden Epic

Aenea -- pronounced Ah-nee-a, daughter of Brawne Lamia, a profoundly unique person, who ebtered the Sphinx Time Tomb at the age of twelve following her mother's death

Time Tombs -- since the time of the Fall they have been siezed and sealed off by the Pax; guarded by about 30,000 Pax troops

Vatican Swiss Guard -- the most elite military force in the galaxy; it is said that a dozen Swiss Troops could defeat 10,000 Home Guard troops

mercantilus -- space mercheants and interstellar freighters; puppets of the Pax Our lives are the songs that sing the universe into existence.~David Zindell
****Tavern Wench of DOGMA, the Defenders of George Martin's Art****<i>Edited by: Duchess of Malfi  at: 7/27/03 10:21 pm

 Post subject: Re: Hyperion-Endymion: Project Glossary/Trivia
PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2003 6:46 am 
Lady Scryer
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orbital forest -- a "ringworld" formed of trees and watered by comets -- grown, tended, and occupied by Ousters

Raspberry jam delta V -- deceleration achieved by Pax warships, which would kill the crews if the ships' containment fields were to fail

Pax warship weaponry -- include hypervelocity and hyperkinetic waepons, the missiles of which are small starships in their own right

CPB's -- energy beam weapons used by Pax warships

Lucifer's Angels -- space-tailored Ousters who are tenders of the orbital forests

Archangel Ship-- courier ship of the Pax -- Vatican's fastest ship and most secret weapon -- fast enough to travel in days what other starships do in months -- the accelleration and decelleration kill all crew members, who must then undergo resurrection

priority resurrection -- a quick form of resurrection which is against the doctrine of the Church and pax -- high chance of a flawed person resulting from this particular process (normal ressurections take three days with 0% flaws, priority resurrections take three hours and have 50% chance of an "incomplete reintegration") Our lives are the songs that sing the universe into existence.~David Zindell
****Tavern Wench of DOGMA, the Defenders of George Martin's Art****<i>Edited by: Duchess of Malfi  at: 7/27/03 10:22 pm

 Post subject: Re: Hyperion-Endymion: Project Glossary/Trivia
PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2003 3:54 am 
Lady Scryer
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Pinion Plateau -- area of Hyperion where the Pax mines cruciform symbiotes

Indigenie -- descendents of original seedship colonists on Hyperion; third class citizens after both Pax offworlders and descendents of the Hegira colonists

AI's -- artificial intelligence; banned by the Church and Pax

Legionaries of Christ -- used by the Pope as shock troops for difficult missions within the Church

consequences of a failed priority resurrection -- weeks or months in a resurrection creche before successful revival

post-resurrection confusion -- mental confusion which can last for hours or days after resurrection

Papal-authority diskey -- gives bearer more power than planetary governors; can requisition ANY materials, help, or personnel needed from local Pax authorities

C3ship -- comman, communications, and control; the command ship of a battle group

COP -- combat orbitting patrol, covers every cubic meter of space within a combat area

IR -- infared

chameleon ploymer -- substance used to conceal military equipment

camoflage fields -- fields used to conceal military equipment

Pax combat armor --impact proof, energy resisitant, made of omnipolymer, built in medical treatments (such as tourniquets) and medical readouts, considered impermable and can withstand even plasma grenades

inertial compensators -- fields in a starship which keep passengers from becoming smashed like jelly during accelleration

Our lives are the songs that sing the universe into existence.~David Zindell
****Tavern Wench of DOGMA, the Defenders of George Martin's Art****<i>Edited by: Duchess of Malfi  at: 7/27/03 10:24 pm

 Post subject: Re: Hyperion-Endymion: Project Glossary/Trivia
PostPosted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 2:36 pm 
Master Pilot

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Let's see if duchy can answer this before Simmon's forum does: a member there just asked, "What are the names of the 8 labyrinthine planets, besides Hyperion?" *****
Before, you are wise; after, you are wise. In between you are otherwise.
Fravashi saying (from the formularies of Osho the Fool) <i></i>

 Post subject: Re: Hyperion-Endymion: Project Glossary/Trivia
PostPosted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 3:43 pm 
Lady Scryer
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I already know that I cannot. I am overdue for a reread - of both the Hyperion/Endymion sequence and of the Illium/Olympos duology.

Our lives are the songs that sing the universe into existence.~David Zindell

 Post subject: Re: Hyperion-Endymion: Project Glossary/Trivia
PostPosted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 3:44 pm 
Master Pilot

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Isn't the answer near the end of the second book? I'll take a look! *****
Before, you are wise; after, you are wise. In between you are otherwise.
Fravashi saying (from the formularies of Osho the Fool) <i>Edited by: danlo60 at: 8/4/06 8:49 am

 Post subject: Re: Hyperion-Endymion: Project Glossary/Trivia
PostPosted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 5:26 am 
Lady Scryer
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Well, skimming through the books before bed, there is a section early in Hyperion from the priests's journal which describes the common characteristics of the labyrinth worlds, but does not name them. In the American mass market paperback, you can find this passgae beginning on page 76.

In Fall of Hyperion Dure discusses the labyrinth worlds on page 304. He says that 5 are in the Web and four in the Outback.

Skimming around in the two Hyperion books, these names jumped out:
1. Hyperion
2. Armaghast, described as a frontier world

As you explore the Endymion books Danlo ,and when I get to my reread, we can fill in the blanks. ******************************************************

Our lives are the songs that sing the universe into existence.~David Zindell

 Post subject: Re: Hyperion-Endymion: Project Glossary/Trivia
PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 7:05 am 

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 5:39 am 
The Timekeeper
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True! Very cool pan! Welcome to zee Hangar!!!

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