No way!!
I agree that Danny De Vito would be great as Silenus, but Clint or Day Lewis as the consul and Hopkins as the priest??? Get out of here…
I always have the habit of trying to visualise characters in books as known actors, so I can *see* the story better, and in my opinion, the only actor who could play the part of the consul is Martin Sheen. In a way, the 1st book Hyperion reminds me a lot of the Joseph Conrad novella “Heart of Darkness”, which Coppola filmed as “Apocalypse Now”. Martin Sheen’s haunting, intense eyes, coupled with his self-destructive violent nature make him the ideal choice for this part.
Hopkins *could* play the part of Lenar Hoyt, but Hopkins has for me always shown a morbid humour and light-heartedness in the roles I’ve seen him in, which in my opinion doesn’t match the part of Hoyt… The ultimate, desperate, suffering (Catholic!) priest can only be played by the master himself, Max Von Sydow. Any dissenters to this view are cordially invited to see/resee “The Exorcist” to confirm this irrefutable fact… However, if Max has other plans, another excellent option is Xander Berkeley, who plays the part of George Mason in the TV series “24”.
As for Lamia, I once saw a series of public nudity pictures on the net (no, I can’t remember the URL…) with a short black woman with rippling muscles and lots of aggression… Don’t know her name…

I draw a blank on Kassad, though whoever played him would have to be of Arabic origin… Maybe we could give Omar Sharif a few Poulsen treaments…?
I also think the English comedian Mel Smith would be wonderful as King Billy…
I’ve only read the 1st book, but the thought of deCaprio playing any part other than an Ouster getting blasted into microscopic pieces makes me want to puke…
This is all, of course, my own opinion, which makes it all the more convincing…
Take care & regards,
Shrike Jr.
“I love humanity! It’s just people I can’t stand…” - Charlie Brown. <i></i>