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 Post subject: Endymion -- some favorite quotes
PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2002 2:54 am 
Lady Scryer
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Quote:This is the way we looked to each other at that moment: the girl with an expression of shock and anger, eyes red and narrowed against the sand or her fury at something, her small fists clenched, her shirt and loose sweater flapping liek wild banners in the wind, her shoulder-length hair - brown but with blonde streaks that I would notice later - matted and blowing, her cheeks streaked with the muddy path of tears and snot, her rubber-soled, canvas kid's shoes totally inappropriate to the adventure upon which she'd embarked, and her cheap backpack hanging from one shoulder; I must have been a wilder, less sane sight - a bulky, muscled, not-very-bright-looking twenty-seven-year-old lying flat in my belly on a flying carpet, my face largely obscured by the bandana and dark glasses, my short hair filthy and spiked in the wind, my pack also lashed over one shoulder, my vest and trousers filthy with sand and grime. The girl's eyes widened in recognition, but it took only a second for me to realize that she was recognizing the hawking mat, not me. "Get on!" I shouted. Armored forms ran by, firing as they went. Other shadows loomed in the storm. The girl ignored me, turning away as if to find the shape she had been attacking. I noticed then that her fists were bleeding. "@#%$ him," she was shouting, almost weeping. "@#%$ him." These were the first words I heard our messiah utter.

And so went the first meeting between Endymion and Aenea, a relationship that would change and shape worlds... Winter is Coming
Blood and Fire
Unbowed,Unbent,Unbroken<i>Edited by: Duchess of Malfi  at: 12/28/02 8:15:34 pm

 Post subject: Re: Endymion -- some favorite quotes
PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2002 3:05 am 
Lady Scryer
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One of the main pursuers of Endymion and Aenea is Father Frederico De Soya, a priest of the Catholic Church, and a man who feels honor bound to follow his duty no matter the personal cost.

Quote:"Leave for where, Frederico?" asks Father Brown. "As you know, exhaustive searches of the records have not given us a clue as to where the farcaster might have sent that ship. The River Tethys had changeable connections, and any data about the next world on the line has evidently been lost to us." "Yes, Father," says De Soya, "but there are only two-hundred-some worlds that used to be connected by that farcaster river. The girl's ship has to be on one of them. My archangel ship can reach all of them - given time for resurrection after translation - in less than two years. I will begin immediately." At this, the men and women at the table can only stare. The man in front of them is facing several hundred deaths and difficult resurrections. As far as they know, no one since the beginning of the Sacrament of Resurrection has ever submitted to such a cycle of pain and rebirth Winter is Coming
Blood and Fire
Unbowed,Unbent,Unbroken<i>Edited by: Duchess of Malfi  at: 12/28/02 8:16:40 pm

 Post subject: Endymion
PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2003 2:22 am 

Joined: Wed Jul 16, 2003 1:53 am
Posts: 6
My favorite quote of Endymion is when Raul is fighting against the rainbow sharks in Mare Infinitus. I didn't read it in English and I will not attempt to translate it here, but it says something like that God can't exist having created those kind of teethed creatures, and it ends up telling that Charles Darwin stopped believing in God when studying a kind of spider. ¿Remember?

It's also great when a few words later Raul says "I wish nature was a huge crystal building so I could throw stones over it"

And it's also memorable when in the next page Raul complains about dying unconscious.

Maybe you, English readers, could paste those quotes for me... <i></i>

 Post subject: Re: Endymion
PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2003 5:47 am 
Lady Scryer
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I would be happy to.

here is the shark battle:
Quote:I had never tried swimming before with my hands tied in front of me. It is my earnest hope that I never have to try it again. Only the strong salinity of this world's ocean kept me afloat as I kicked, floated, flailed, and thrashed my way north. I had no real hope of reaching the raft; the current began running strongest at least a klick north of the platform, and out plan had been to keep the raft as far away from the structure as we could without losing the river withing the sea. It was only a few minutes before the colored sharks began circling again. Their shimmering, electric colors were visible beneath the waves, and when one moved in for the attack, I stopped trying to swim, floated, and kicked at its head in precisely the same way as I had seen the late lieutenant hold the things at bay. It seemed to work. The fish were undoubtedly deadly, but they were stupid -- they attacked one at a time, as if there were some unseen pecking order among them -- and I kicked them in the snout one at a time. But the process was exhausting. I had started to remove my boots just before the first color-shark attack -- the heavy leather was dragging me down -- but the thought of kicking bare feet at those fanged, bullet-shaped heads made me keep the boots on as long as I could. I also soon decided that I could not swim with the pistol in my hands. The saberback things were diving during their actual lunges at me, coming up from beneath seemed to be their preferred mode of attack, and I doubted whether a bullitt from the old slug-thrower would do any good through a meter or two of water. Eventually I tucked the pistol back into its holstrer, although I soon wished I had dropped it altogether. Floating, swiveling to keep twin dorsal fins in view, I finally pulled off my boots and let them slip away into the depths. When the next shark attacked, I kicked harder, feeling the sandpaper roughness of the skin above its tiny brain. It snapped at my bare feet but moved away and began circling again. This is the way I swam north, pausing, floating, kicking, cursing, swimming a few meters, pausing again to twist in circles waiting for the next attack. If it had not been for the combination of the brilliant moons and the saberback things' glowing skin, one of them would have pulled me down long before. As it was, I soon reached the point where I was too exhausted to try to swim any longer -- all I could do was float on my back, gasp for air, and get my feet between those white teeth and my legs every time I saw the colors flashing my way.

and here is the part about God:
Quote:Part of my tired mind had been pondering theology during all of this -- not praying, but wondering about a Cosmic God who allowed its creatures to torture each other like this. How many hominids, mammals, and trillions of other creatures had spent their last minutes in mortal fear such as this, their hearts pounding, their adrenaline coursing through them and exhausting them more quickly, their small minds racing in the hopeless quest of escape? How could any God describe Him - or Herself as a God of Mercy and fill the universe with fanged things such as this? I remembered Grandam telling me about an early Old Earth scientist, one Charles Darwin, who had come up with one of the early theories of evolution or gravitation or somesuch, and how, -- alothough raised a devout Christian even before the reward of the cruciform - he had become an atheist while studying a terrestial wasp that paralyzed some large species of spider, planted its embryo, and let the spider recover and go about its business until it was time for the hatched wasp larvae to burrow its way out of the living spider's abdomen.

and when Raul Endymion thinks he is dying:
Quote:Then I saw the ultramorph injector in the girl's hand and I began to struggle. I did not want to be knocked out: if I was going to die, I wanted to be awake when it happened. Our lives are the songs that sing the universe into existence.~David Zindell
****Tavern Wench of DOGMA, the Defenders of George Martin's Art****<i></i>

 Post subject: TNX!
PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:11 pm 

Joined: Wed Jul 16, 2003 1:53 am
Posts: 6
Yeah, that was it! Thank you Duchess! <i></i>

 Post subject: here's one from Rise of Endymion :)
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 6:54 am 
Lady Scryer
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Quote:It is a problem. To tell of such things. To share the most private and sacred of moments. It feels like a violation to put such things into words. And a lie not to. To see and feel one's beloved naked for the first time is one of life's pure, irreducible epiphanies. If there is a true religion in the universe, it must include that truth of contact or be forever hollow. To make love to the one true person who deserves that love is one of the few absolute rewards of being a human being, balancing all of the pain, loss, awkwardness, lonliness, idiocy, compromise, and clumsiness that go with the human condition. To make love to the right person makes up for a lot of mistakes. Our lives are the songs that sing the universe into existence.~David Zindell
****Tavern Wench of DOGMA, the Defenders of George Martin's Art****<i>Edited by: Duchess of Malfi  at: 9/25/03 12:29 am

 Post subject: Re: here's one from Rise of Endymion :)
PostPosted: Sat Sep 27, 2003 9:51 pm 
Lady Scryer
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Quote:"Aenea," I saod softly, "are you the new messiah?" I could hear her sigh. "No Raul. I never said I was a messiah. I'm just a tired young woman right now...I've got a pounding headache...and cramps...it's the first day of my period..." She must not have seen me blink in surprise or shock. Well, hell, I thought, it's not everyday that you get to confront the messiah only to hear that she's suffering from what the ancients used to call PMS. Our lives are the songs that sing the universe into existence.~David Zindell
****Tavern Wench of DOGMA, the Defenders of George Martin's Art****<i></i>

 Post subject: Re: here's one from Rise of Endymion :)
PostPosted: Sat Sep 27, 2003 10:10 pm 
Lady Scryer
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This quote features two of my favorite characters in the entire Hyperion universe -- Father Captain de Soya and his loyal aid Sergeant Gregorius. These two represent what is finest in both the Church and inthe military, and give hope for the future of both institutions...

Quote:De Soya reached for her then, his flaking and three-fingerless hand still gripping tightly the sleeve of her therm jacket. "Doesn't matter...doesn't matter if I die..get it off. Will die a real...Catholic...again...if you...can help me...get it...OFF!" He almost shouted the final word. Aenea turned to the sargeant. "Do you have a cup or glass?" "There's the mug in the medkit," rumbled the giant, fumbling for it. "But we have no water..." "I brought some," said my friend and removed the insulated bottle from her belt. I expected wine, but it was only the water we had bottled up before leaving the Temple Hanging in Air those endless hours ago. Aenea did not bother with alcohol swabs or sterile lancets; she beckoned me closer, removed the hunting knife from my belt, and drew the knife across three of her fingertips in a swift move that made me flinch. Her blood flowed red. Aenea dipped her fingers in the clear plastic drinking mug for just a second, but long enough to send currents of thick crimson spiraling and twisting in the water. "Drink this," she said to Father Captain de Soya, helping to lift the dying man's head. The priest-captain drank, coughed, drank again. His eyes closed when she eased him back to the stained pillow. "The cruciform will be gone within twenty-four hours," whispered my friend. Father Captain de Soya made that rough chuckling sound again. "I will be dead within an hour." "You'll be in the autosurgeon within firteen minutes," said Aenea, touching his better hand. "Sleep now...but don't die on me, Frederico de Soya...don't die on me. We have much to talk about. And you have one great service to perform for me...for us." Sargeant Gregorius was standing closer. "M. Aenea..." he said, halted, shuffled his feet, and tried again. "M. Aenea, may I partake of that...water?" Aenea looked at him. "Yes, Sargeant...but once you drink, you can never again carry a cruciform. Never. There will be no ressurrection. And there are other...side effects." Gregorius waved away any further discussion. "I have followed my Captain for ten years. I will follow him now." The giant drank deeply of the pinkish water.
Our lives are the songs that sing the universe into existence.~David Zindell
****Tavern Wench of DOGMA, the Defenders of George Martin's Art****<i></i>

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