Dang it feels weird being here after such a long time. Hi Hangar! I love you! I do have links to here and Kevin's Watch on my facebook timeline. So somebody new has, probably, at least, taken a gander. I have over 4600 friends on facebook, but I'm and odd user I work to find solutions to real life and death issues, to promote peace on earth and environmental harmony. I play a lot of music, many times tied into causes or the mood, or theme, of the day. I've been doing a LOT of activism work for the past 6 years and now, like many, many years on Kevin's Watch and trying to develop this site, it's taken it's toll on me and I'm stepping away from it before I get totally burned out. I was involved in the Occupy movement here, and it's infamous split, and then I was a Coordinator of Central New Move to Amend (a Nat'l affiliate of a group that's seeks to overturn the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision and get money out of politics) with over 300 members, became a Veterans for Peace, Attempted, with my partner, to form New Mexico Advocates for Change, but the SAMSA grant blew up at the last second. I joined the Coordinating Council of the Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice and was it's President for the past two years. Accomplished a lot of good there overseeing grant work for the installation for a new storefront with an automatic door, a new solar panel array, a new service door and refrigerator, recusing the flooring and repainting the Peace Hall and the north wall. For Move to Amend we put on 6 rallies, including the big Occupy the Courts event, three press conferences, almost got a resolution to get big money out of politics passed by the Albq. City Council, helped work with state legislators to pass a joint memorial on that same issue. Hosted speaking events including Move to Amend's Nat'l Director and Alternative Radio's host, David Barsamian and put together two City Council and mayoral candidates forum as well as promoting and leading support to Sallie-Alice Thompson's walk from Albq. to Santa Fe at 91 YEARS OLD to get money out of politics. I'm getting exhausted thinking about all this, whew. I attended the loveasrevolution festival in Madrid for two days for the Peace Center and went with a group of Center friends to Sackcloth and Ashes 70th anniversary of the bombing of Nagaski at Los Alamos where I met the Rev. John Dear and Rev. John Lewis (the man who imparted non-violent methods to Dr. Martin Luther King...it was a GREAT honor) and saw Medea Benjamin and Kathy Kelly speak and there solidified my friendship with the author Rivera Sun and Dariel Gardener of Pace Bene and the Council for a Non-Violent World. What else, I've taken three sessions on Non Violent Communication and for a little while participated in a Peace bookclub reading John Dear, Thich Nhat Hahn, Corman McCarthy and two books on Ghandi. I've worked with the US Districts office on the Albq. Police Force's Consent Decree on reducing lethal force representing myself and the Peace Center and met with the Mayor and his "community outreach group at the Center. I consider myself a friend to many of the families that have lost loved ones to "unjustified" APD shootings and have even attended the 13 week APD Civilian Police Academy in an attempt to bridge the gap, or attempt see things from the other side. I'm pulling totally away now tending seven, from very large to small, gardens in my back yard and doing a lot of jumping on Grace's new trampoline she just got for her 11th birthday on EARTH DAY!!! However, I have been working with different groups on the establishment of a low-powered FM station that's going to come on-air in about a month and plan to go to production workshops to put on my own issues and answers show, with killer music, of course. Amy Goodman was in town last night to speak and benefit KQUQ and it was terribly inspiring. So hi!