I think that in order to show GRRM is advancing his plot and has achieved something over the last ten or so years he has been writing this I
need to see the following (at least some if not all of the following!!!) to ensure in my own mind that ASOIAF is not turning into a WOT slow paced epic dragged down in endless description and needless side plots:
* Dany had better end up either in Westeros, be on her way there, or at the least be deeply planning her invasion
* something needs to happen in the North - either some sign that the Others are active or something happens to get Jon out of his oaths if he NW (as he obviously must be if all the foreshadowing of the blue rose in the North is to be fulfilled)
* Bran had better find that three eyed crow and start his training!
* important stuff from the past had better start coming out or at least be seriously hinted at - Jon's parentage, the truth behind Rhaegar and Lyanna, etc. etc.
* the political situation in King's Landing with the two Queens needs to be cleared up in prep for the invasion from the east
Anyone else? Anyone else afraid of this turning into another bloated slow paced out of authorial control Wheel of Time?