Ahira's Hangar

Dune on Film- Movie and the two miniseries
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Author:  Duchess of Malfi [ Sat Jan 21, 2006 3:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Dune on Film- Movie and the two miniseries

Was wondering what everyone thought of the three Dune productions?

* theatrical film
* Dune miniseries
* Children of Dune miniseries

The theatrical film has a great look to it - and the guy who plays Baron Harkonnen isperfect. I thought it got a bit weird when Paul was teaching the Fremen the weirding way, though. That would only be my only real complaint about the film. I thought they did a good job capturing the look and feel of Dune, and did a pretty good job capturing the complexity of the plot in only two hours.

I thought that the Dune miniseries had some good points to it, and some bad points to it. I thought that the people playing Leto and especially Jessica were a bit too old and tired. I always pictured them, particularly Jessica, as not being middle aged yet. And the guy in the theatrical film of Dune who played the Baron ruined me for anyone else in that role. But given the cost constraints of television, I think they did a pretty decent job with the special effects and sets and props. To me the miniseries shone when Paul and Jessica reach the Fremen and thereafter. I thought it was a bit odd that they expanded Irulan's role so much, though. What was that about?

I enjoyed Children of Dune, which combines the novels ofDune Messiah and Children of Dune into one production. I thought the actress who played Alia did a great job, particularly in the Dune Messiah parts. Leto's transformation was handled very well, I think.

Our lives are the songs that sing the universe into existence.~David Zindell

Author:  spacemonkey [ Thu Sep 07, 2006 3:54 am ]
Post subject:  RE:Dune on film

I managed to find the six hour directors cut to both Dune and Children of Dune.I will say the six hour version is light years better than the theatrical cut.Many things that were cut out on the theatrical movie took away the whole Dune feel to the film and left it washed out somewhat.If you can find the director's cut,I HIGHLY reccommend seeing those,besides,it's a great way to kill a Sunday with popcorn and dreaming of making you very own Maker hooks!!! oohmy <i></i>

Author:  Avatar [ Thu Sep 07, 2006 4:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RE:Dune on film

Glad to see you made it SpaceMonkey.

Yeah, I don't like the theatrical film at all. It's only real saving grace was the Lynch direction, so the cinematography etc. was good.

But it was badly cast (except the baron) and far too inaccurate for my purist tastes.

Only watched the first episode or two of the miniseries Dune, didn't think enough of it to watch the rest. And have never seen the Children of Dune one.

(Not much help huh?)

--A ____________________________________

A sense of the sardonic preserves a man from believing in his own pretensions. -The Sayings Of Maud'Dib<i></i>

Author:  Duchess of Malfi [ Thu Sep 07, 2006 4:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RE:Dune on film

You stopped watching the miniseries then just as it got going pretty good. It handled the Paul/Jessica/Fremen scenes and thereafter pretty well. No weird sonic weapons.

And Children of Dune was fairly well done, especially Leto's transformation. ******************************************************

Our lives are the songs that sing the universe into existence.~David Zindell

Author:  Avatar [ Thu Sep 07, 2006 5:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RE:Dune on film

Maybe if I see it on DVD I'll give it a try. It was on at an awkward time for me, and I had to ask somebody to tape it, and I decided it just wasn't worth the bother.

--A ____________________________________

A sense of the sardonic preserves a man from believing in his own pretensions. -The Sayings Of Maud'Dib<i></i>

Author:  spacemonkey [ Sat Sep 09, 2006 5:34 am ]
Post subject:  RE:Dune on film

DEFINATELY worth the effort to find......in a way kind of like LoTR,not perfect,but as close as we're going to get.Besides there are many aspects in the director's cut that clears up quite a bit.....Unlike some posts i've read i happen to like the mini-series movies....beats the heck out of the ridiculous one from the 80's.But even then i watched that one due to the fact there wasn't any other movie on Dune out there at the time...Can't say i've watched it that much though....i remember it rained velveeta everytime i saw it.......... <i></i>

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